Christine Hickinbottom (Matthew Woolfall-Jones) is inspired after hearing spiritual leader Dr. Love (Liam Jackson Montgomery) at his seminar. Tired with the mundanity of life she decides to take life into her own hands and waits for him by the stage door. What happens next requires Christine to contemplate a proposition that could change her life forever.

What will Christine do when faced with a whiffy ultimatum? Will she sniff out the truth? Or will she smell what fate has to expel? Those who dare never doubt, and those who care may lose their SNOUT.

Directed: Paul Rice. Original Story: Liam Jackson Montgomery.

Festivals: Another Hole in the Head (Official Selection), Festival of the Moving Image (Official Selection), London-Worldwide Comedy Short Film Festival (Special Mention)


A project exploring mankind's fascination with the stars from our collective ancient past until now.


A site-specific film created for the launch of Several; a London based menswear collective.

Taking cues from Several’s nod to heritage design, this piece draws inspiration from the classic 35mm slide projector & carousel.

Creative + Art Direction: Paul Rice at Silent
DOP: Dan Stafford Clarke
Production: Not To Scale

